About Stronghold Industries Inc.

Security Hollow Metal Frame Installation

Our team at Stronghold takes pride in the quality detention equipment installations completed within new and established detention facilities. Founded in 2003, Stronghold primarily serves jails, detention centers, prisons, and mental health facilities throughout the Midwest and Great Lakes regions. We have also provided detention equipment installation services in Kansas, Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota. We are able to provide our detention equipment contracting services anywhere in the United States through the use of certified contractors within the area that meet Stronghold's requirements and stringent standards for detention equipment installations.

Stronghold works with skilled union employees and personnel that are certified and fully trained in the installation of all types of detention equipment. This means, be it a new facility or retrofit project, our team does the job correctly without compromising quality. By completing our initial installations properly, time and money are saved by alleviating expensive equipment adjustments or fixes after the installation is complete.

Security Hollow Metal Frame Installation

Our team of detention hardware installers are certified DEC (Detention Equipment Contractors) allowing us to partner and consult with detention facility architects and planners. Stronghold thrives when providing installation services within preexisting detention facilities that require retrofitting or upgrades for detention equipment.

Our prep team follows a standard process of bidding, planning, and designing for each detention equipment installation project, however, we know every project is unique. By following your exact specifications, we make sure the right detention equipment and installation plans are adhered to ensuring all expectations are met. All projects are closely followed by our leadership team as they look for potential equipment and installation issues while providing suggestions for implementation of the best, most cost effective detention equipment options. Working alongside developers when building new detention facilities and installing the necessary detention equipment typically takes 1-2 years for completion while retrofit projects typically span 2-3 months.

Our team works primarily with government institutions, however, as long as your facility is detention-based, our honest and experienced team can help. Contact Stronghold today!

New Detention Center Build with Security Frames New Detention Center Build with Security Frames